
Ervan Sabaryanto

About Ervan

An enthusiastic learner with a bachelor’s degree in HR Management (S1) from Mercu Buana University with experience in the fi eld of paint manufacturing including technical support for 2 years, color matching for 1 year, and product design for 3 years, Research and development for 3 months. Internship at PT Petrokimia Gresik, and the Soil and Medicine Research Center. Has been certified as All-round Laboratory Technician and Human Resources Management (BNSP). Previously I graduated from SMK-SMAK Bogor majoring in Chemical Analysis


  • Color Matching
  • Design Product
  • Research and Development
  • Teamwork
  • Technical

Work Experience

Technical Support

My job description is to visit customer lines regularly to help handle new color projects, help fi x problems in customer lines such as NG color, orange peel, absorbency, poor fl ow and also manage regular colors by means of well-controlled and smooth color approval. Checking the physical properties and workability of paint in the laboratory. During this period there were no claims problems from my PIC customers

Color Matching Lab

My job description is Making base varnish. Manage micaa/pearl and Aluminum Paste that will be used for
highlights. Manage the settings that will be used Spray using Recicoater, Rea Robot, Kawasaki Robot. Become
a Kawasaki Robot operator Conduct judgment on experimental results. Did the formula calculations correctly
and managed to get several new color tenders.

Design Product

Checking the physical properties of paint on new products according to standards: fi neness, viscosity, density,color, hiding power, amount of solids (solid content/non-volatile), paint resistance.

Checking the workability of the latest paint products to reduce NG in applications: melt resistance (sagging

resistance), popping resistance, thickness of the color forming paint fi lm (hiding power process), paint life (potlife), Checking the strength of the paint fi lm (durability) includes: adhesion, paint fi lm hardness (pencil hardness), gloss, resistance to moisture (humidity resistance), resistance to heat (heat resistance), resistance to accelerated weather ( accelerated weathering resistance-SWOM, QUV), impact resistance, etc.

Work on product design by checking paint formulas for new color projects, input into the SAP system, create product designs before mass production and coordinate with PPIC and Engineering. Successfully checked more than 80 new products in one year. In the global innovation section, plans are to reduce raw material costs. Meeting with PPIC, purchasing,technical departments. Conduct weekly and annual progress presentations, namely reducing raw material costs by 2.1 billion rupiah.

Reserach and Development

Manage the type of resin that will be used for base varnish, acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane

Manage the percentage of additives to be used and choose the type

Manage WORK INSTRUCTIONS for new paint manufacturing products in the production department to avoid unwanted defects

Manage paint properties for projects and create standards Manage micaa/pearl and Aluminum Paste that will be used for highlights

Manage the tinting that will be used for the shade

Manage spray paint application on panels Conduct judgment on experimental results Create a sample travel letter for trial

Managed to get several projects

Los Angeles, CA